6 Frequently Asked Questions About Orthodontists

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The goal of the dental specialty of orthodontics is to straighten & align your teeth. If your teeth are twisted, overlapped, gapped, or crooked, you may need to see an orthodontist. Clear aligners, removable retainers, & traditional braces are common orthodontic treatments.

The fit of your teeth dramatically influences your oral health. Enhancing the interface between your upper & lower teeth can lower your risk of cavities, gum disease, & excessive wear & tear (erosion). Contact an orthodontist in Morrisville, NC, to know more.

Frequently asked questions about orthodontists.

  • What do orthodontists do?

Dental specialists who specialize in treating issues related to irregularities in the face & jaw, as well as problems with tooth position, alignment, or spacing, are known as orthodontists. To address these issues, we employ a variety of specialized procedures, such as braces & other oral appliances.

  • Why is orthodontic treatment necessary for me or my loved ones?

There are two compelling arguments: practicality & beauty. A beautiful smile improves your perception of yourself as well as how other people see you. Orthodontic treatment can improve your overall health in addition to making your teeth function better and be more accessible to maintain.

  • When is the best time to begin orthodontic treatment?

Even though you can start your orthodontic treatment at any time, starting it as early as possible is best to avoid worsening your issues and addressing them early to get better treatment. A child is recommended to visit orthodontists by professionals from the age of seven to get the most benefit.

  • How can I spot a possible bite issue?

Treatment is obviously necessary when teeth are erupting out of position, protruding, or packed together (View Examples). Mouth breathing, frequent cheek or palate biting, trouble speaking, and thumb sucking that persists past the ages of three to four are less evident symptoms. An orthodontic issue may also be indicated if the jaw moves or makes noises or if the teeth do not meet adequately when the mouth closes.

  • Does receiving braces cause pain? How about wearing them?

Getting braces on is usually a painless process. As they get used to wearing their appliances, some people report having mild aches and pains during the first few days or so. Periodic adjustments can occasionally result in soreness as well, though this usually passes quickly. While they are typically unnecessary, over-the-counter pain relievers can be used to ease any discomfort.

  • How much time will the treatment require?

While every patient’s experience is unique, the active phase of treatment—which involves wearing braces or other appliances—generally takes six to thirty months. Following that, a retainer is used.

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